cause when it will aid ours and to extract from their experiences and their contacts with authorities and influential groups any contacts and opportunities that may be to our advantage. I am doing this for the ben- efit of all of us. Perhaps others of you will find yourselves in a position to do the same. The world needs understanding all around and for all people, not just for this group or that. Things are on the move and 20 years from now the world of today will seem like the middle ages.
In furtherance of my public education efforts I attended a large gathering sponsered by the ACLU, the group whose program I was on in San Diego (related in TVis #38). I went as Virginia of course, knowing full well and hoping that people would recognize me from San Diego. Several did and spoke to me and the accept- ance was perfectly straightforward. They knew what I was but they accepted me because I had had the courage to come out and say so, to be frank, educational, in- teresting and above all human. There IS hope girls. VIRGINIA
Virginia visits Crystal
Epsilon Chapter, Oakland, Calif.